Varadero aspires to the best beach in the world in 2020.

The Ministry of Tourism (Mintur) issued a call to visitors and residents to cooperate in order to convert the largest Cuban beach resort, Varadero, into the Best Beach in the World by 2020, according to Prensa Latina.
«Varadero is close to being the Best Beach in the World, we count on you. We need you. Help us to maintain the cleanliness of the streets, green areas and our beautiful beach, ”said the text prepared by the Mintur.
Among the actions suggested in the call are to place the garbage in deposits such as baskets, bags and containers, use the areas for parking for vehicles and never the coastal area and walk on foot by the accesses to the beach such as walkways and trails.
Also, the aforementioned portfolio recommends removing food scraps and used containers, eliminating cigarette butts in the sand, taking care of and keeping the environment clean and avoiding damaging or cutting any kind of plant in the dune.
The text details the high number of years it takes to degrade fixtures such as aluminum cans and glass bottles, both recoverable materials, plastics, paper and cardboard, as well as chewing gum.
The general characteristics that distinguish Varadero beach are 23 kilometers long, average width of 22 meters from the sand strip, average height of the dune of one meter, and average bath strip near 30 meters.
Plants such as the Caleta grape, the hicaco, cimarrón avocado, coastal guano, beans and beach rice also characterize the locality, while in the fauna the coastal puppy or coiled tail iguana occupy a significant place, and numerous species of birds .
This tourist pole was chosen as the second best beach in the world in the Traveler’s Choice 2019 awards, published on the TripAdvisor tourism website, an American site where users are the ones who provide most of the content.
Varadero is located on the Hicacos peninsula, on the north coast of the western province of Matanzas and about 140 kilometers east of Havana. It has more than 50 hotel facilities and a capacity exceeding 21 thousand rooms.
The destination has a stable population close to 27,200 inhabitants, mostly in the area known as Historic Varadero, receives tens of thousands of nationals especially in the summer stage and, since 2008, welcomes more than one million foreign tourists .
The famous square, also known as the Blue Beach, joins its abundant natural charms with a varied hotel floor and extensive extra-hotel infrastructure and services, with an important segment dedicated to nautical activities.