Guanabo is a quiet little town on the edge of the sea which has about 6000 inhabitants and has the advantage of serving as base to visit Havana and the surrounding area. The field to the surroundings is very beautiful. Many walks are possible. Several shops and a food market they seek all the necessary products for everyday life. There are also cafés, patisseries, restaurants, discos, cinema, bars, a cabaret, banks where you can withdraw money with your bank card, a clinic and a support center, a tourist agency (Infotur) Internet service, two agencies car rental, taxi service and a gaz station.
This beach is located within a coastal belt known as the Playas del Este and includes beaches like Bacuranao, Tarará, Mégano, Santa Maria del Mar (the best, largest and most crowded), Boca Ciega and Guanabo. Beaches are all very good. with white sand, transparent blue-green waters and coral reefs near the coast on the edge of the platform, which provided for snorkeling and diving, also have good infrastructure for accommodation and restaurants and a marina in Tarará where You can do all kinds of sports.
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