The origin of this town dates back to 1837 where he was an old ranch stay makers yuntas ox with goods in transit towards the town of San Cristobal of Havana.
This large citie, covering 134 square kilometers which accounts for 18% of the provincial total. Situated on the outskirts of the capital, and 38% of their land for agricultural use.
It is the second largest municipality in land area of the province. Among its features and highlights its origin makes plain that its climate is very warm. This town lies in the Psychiatric Hospital of Havana and the Sanctuary of El Rincón and San Lazaro Leprosorio. In the chapel of the place adoradan are three different images: Obispo San Lázaro, San Lázaro the Miracle (most popular) and Babalu Aye (from the Yoruba religion), which is given the gift of health.
On December 17, the day of the saints, many come in procession to "El Rincon" , as it is known, to pay tribute to San Lazaro and promises to pay.
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