18Hostels found

Matanzas Province is located within 100 kilometers from the capital of Cuba, Havana. It have one of the most important tourist resorts on the island: Varadero, where you can enjoy the most beautiful beach in Cuba, with clear water and shallow depth. You can also visit the caves of Bellamar, discovered in the nineteenth century, with large number of stalagmites and stalactites in about two miles long.
The city of Matanzas has an excellent harbor, giving the province a strong business and the posibility of make excursions on yachts, sailboats and catamarans. The province has 5 specialized centers in diving. Other places of attractions: the Laguna del Tesoro, Guama Park, Cienaga de Zapata, the Bay of Pigs Museum, Bridge Bacunayagua, among others.
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