Camaguey, Camagüey

5Hostels found


Founded in 1514 under the name of Puerto Principe and with a capital of 480 years of history, Camagüey is also known as the city of the jars by the large presence of these huge containers of clay, which used to store rainwater and today ornamental gardens, doorways and parks.

Emerged as a top coastal town, its inhabitants decided the move inland to escape the constant threat of privateers and pirates, and proceed with its reconstruction in a vast plain, which quickly became a well-established settlement of families to their traditions.

Its colonial architecture survives in gated mansions, roof tiles, gates, fantastic interior courtyards, plazas, churches and alleys, all charged by the story of the events of the nineteenth century independence struggle against Spanish colonialism.

Aspects of this struggle is shown to visitors at the Casa Natal de Ignacio Agramonte, a museum, which displays scenes from the life of this illustrious Liberation Army General Staff, famous for its intransigence and courage.


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