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Provincia Artemisa is the name of one of the two new provinces (Artemisa and Mayabeque) approved by the National Assembly of Cuba in August 2010 and whose operation came into force as of January 1, 2011.
The current provincial capital, Artemisa, arose due to the transfer of residents of Havana affected by a fire. The town grew rapidly based on the economy of the coffe, firstly, and later on the sugarcane, surpassing in importance the neighbors, becoming the second city in importance of the then province of Pinar del Río.
The ruins of the Angerona Coffee Plantation, now a National Monument, give evidence of the splendor of the coffee plantation that earned the region the nickname of "Jardín de Cuba".
The main port is Mariel, one of the most important in the country, with prospects for investment and growth, within the framework of a special economic zone developed by the government.