Restaurant La Lluvia de Oro, Habana Vieja

La Lluvia de Oro is one of the places that draw attention to those who walk down Obispo Street and stop at the corner of Calle Habana.
Its atmosphere takes us back to the past, but played with the current rhythm of the bustling artery. The Cuban music heard in this place also becomes an attraction for those who decide to stop and taste the offers offered by this cafeteria.
In the year 1900 there was in the property that today occupies this establishment a coffee that took different names over time. In 1927 it was known as Café Velazco; in 1932, as Café Excelsior, and already in 1933 it acquired the name of La Lluvia de Oro.
Then, the building had other functions until in 1994 it regained its splendor thanks to the restoration project of the Office of the Historian of the City.
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