Caleta Buena, Península de Zapata

Caleta Buena is an extra-hotel tourist facility located 8 km from Playa Girón in the Zapata Peninsula destination. This tourist product arises from the beauty of several associated natural resources: the cove, fauna and flora.
Within this cove there is a natural pool of very transparent waters where fish of different colors and sizes are observed. It is also part of the speleological system of the Ciénaga de Zapata, which is considered the most extensive and conserved of the Insular Caribbean.
Caleta Buena is one of those places that you can go to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, immerse yourself in its waters is like a therapy and at the same time enjoy some of the most beautiful and best preserved landscapes of our country. Caleta Buena is one of those places that you will not want to leave and when you leave you always think about coming back soon.
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